Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Are You Happy Now?" (First Impressions: "The Long Honeymoon" - Season 6, Episode 1)

ABC sent out their press release with the synopsis for Modern Family's season opener (generally, they release it about 2 weeks prior to airing, and a website called "Spoiler TV" usually posts it right away - this episode's is located here).

Wow! It looks like things are getting real for Alex right away:

"This summer has been exceptionally blissful in the Dunphy house, Alex is away on a humanitarian trip and the rest of the family is getting along swimmingly, but when Alex comes home, there is an immediate shift in mood."

While this story may or may not have long-term implications with regards to how Alex's studies go this year, it has the potential to be a big start to her season. At the very least, my anticipation level for the opener just went up about ten-fold.

Obviously I'll have more to say as we get closer to the opener in just over two weeks.

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