Sunday, September 7, 2014

“'Cause I'm The King Of Wishful Thinking...”

So we know that this sixth season of Modern Family has the potential to be huge for Alex, between her senior year of high school and just where she will end up going to college (not to mention her continuing struggles to get a boyfriend, or any friend for that matter...). But just how deep of a storyline will her senior year be?

Right now I know of one spoiler: In a TV Guide article at , it is revealed that Alex is hoping to go east (presumably Ivy League) for college, and Phil and Claire won't be happy about it. Neither is a surprise - we know from “Australia” that Alex was already working on her application to Harvard, and in both “See You Next Fall” and “Schooled” we've seen Phil and Claire be clingy when it comes to their kids leaving home when they grow up. What we don't know is will this be just a single episode story (as most of Alex's stories end up being), or will this play out for a longer term? Hopefully it's the latter.

I really, really, REALLY hope that Alex's senior year becomes a focal story of the season. I'm not particularly optimistic of this, given that the series has never really given Alex an ongoing (multiple-episode) story (admittedly, the same could be said of the other kids on the show). On the other hand, this means she's overdue for one...

So what else do I want to see this season? First of all, while obviously Modern Family will continue to mainly be a sitcom, I want Alex's senior year stories to take a more serious tone like was done with her in “Under Pressure”. That's not to say I don't want to see Alex rifle off her usual repertoire of snarky and sarcastic comments when she's in someone else's story – I just want them to keep it real when she is the focus. And I want tears in my eyes/a lump in my throat at least once or twice.

The closest they have come to a continuing Alex story is her dynamic with her academic rival, Sanjay, but we've never seen him on-screen. I'd like to see a more extended story about this rivalry. Who knows – maybe Sanjay could be that elusive steady boyfriend that Alex has hardly ever had? Or, more likely, we might see one throw the other under the bus in their battle for valedictorian.

I'll probably think of more things later in the week – I really shouldn't do this while watching Sunday Ticket.

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