Wednesday, October 1, 2014

“East End Boys And West End Girls” (“Do Not Push” Recap)

I hope this doesn't become a trend, but for the second week in a row what started out as a strong storyline for Alex kind of fizzled out in the last segment, although I suppose from the moment she made it quite clear to Claire that she wanted to leave after graduation we knew it would end with her backing off at liitle bit. At least by Alex not totally caving (Jason did mention maybe seeing her back in Boston) they've left some tension as to where she ends up, although the odds she stays close to home appear to have increased.

On the other hand, Alex getting more stories is, of course, a trend I DO want to see (although I think we won't see a big story for her again for a few weeks).

An 8 percent chance of getting into Cal Tech doesn't sound good (but it sounds about what I'd expect for a typical applicant, maybe even slightly high), but I imagine Alex's chances would be somewhat better than that, if they overlook her pushing the emergency button by mistake.

Did Alex drop that pipe bomb at the start of the tour because of last week?

If he does show up again at all (people involved with Alex do not tend to have a long shelf life – so far Michael's the only one to get a second appearance) I see Jason as more of a friend than boyfriend.

Alex's Line Of The Night: (after Haley asks what's she missing about college) “Good grades, SAT scores, basic verbal skills. (aside to Luke about insulting Haley's intellect) That's how you do it.”

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