Wednesday, October 8, 2014

“You Treat Me Like I'm Invisible” (“The Cold” Recap)

Given that I've got my own cold to deal with, maybe it's just as well there's not much to talk about this week – after being in the spotlight the first two weeks Alex pretty much was reduced to the role of scenery (for a while, I thought we were only going to see her for that 2 second flashback at Yosemite). At least it appears she was smart enough not to get sick like just about everyone else (Luke and Lily apparently also dodged the bullet, but they at least had something to do).

Oh, wait – I forgot she did get the plague from her own trip.

Alex's Line Of The Week: Actually, I don't have one this week – what little she did get to say (about the Haley and Andy “reunion”) didn't stand out.

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