Farewell, Alex Dunphy (Fennerman?). Thank you for being you.

Farewell, Alex Dunphy (Fennerman?).  Thank you for being you.
Farewell, Alex Dunphy (Fennerman?). Thank you for being you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

“Can't Walk, Can't Talk. Can't Eat, Can't Sleep” (“Queer Eyes, Full Hearts” Recap)

Has about 60 seconds of airtime for one character in an episode ever been more heartbreaking than what we saw from Alex tonight, being reduced to near-zombie status from all her studying? Usually when I watch an episode and say “Poor Alex” it's usually with at least a wry smile on my face (like her follies in “When A Tree Falls”). Not this time – I'm saying it with complete sadness as to her plight.

After tonight, they really need to bring her therapist Dr. Clark back for a story down the line.
(EDIT: See my next post - I think she needs more than Dr. Clark right now.)

Of course, I wish they would have done much more with her mini-story. And, of course, it will probably be completely forgotten by next week. But at least they did what I wanted them to do the last 4 episodes and advance her character in some way, even in an episode where Alex's role was limited. Sadly it answered my question about her senior year workload – nothing's changed.

This was the tweet I sent at the first commercial break:

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Read it to me, Mommy?” I know usually I give this to the best wisecrack, but it was so, so, so gut-wrenching the way she said it (and she had very few lines, total). This might even end up being her line of the season (I hope she comes close again, though).

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