Tuesday, November 4, 2014

"Under Pressure" - Quick Thoughts On The Edited For USA/Syndicated Version

Well, that could have been worse.

At least Alex's scenes remained mostly intact, except for a couple of small deletions (i.e. a word or two at a time, mostly from the therapist) from her therapy scenes - something you probably wouldn't even notice if you haven't seen the full first-run version as many times as I have (please do not ask).

The biggest cut of all was Claire's first scene in school, in Alex's AP Physics class.  After her private camera session (where she talks how she's fallen asleep at the wheel (with regards to "self-sufficient" Alex) and now she's covered in cake), they cut right to Manny and Luke's date with the twins, bypassing the teacher listing the practice tests Alex needed to take while Claire tries to write them all down on her coffee cup.  That's a pretty big omission, considering how the whole point of Claire's scenes was for her to see just how overburdened Alex had become.

Oddly enough, the other major cut was the end of the double date - they cut out the whole thing about the twins wanting to make out with Luke and Manny, and the private camera scene where the boys discuss just how proud or not they were about what happened next.

There were other minor cuts, but, again, unless you've seen the episode more than a couple of times you probably wouldn't notice them.

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