Wednesday, December 24, 2014

"Here In My Car, I Feel Safest Of All"(?) (First Impressions - “The Day We Almost Died” - Season 6, Episode 11)

Go here for the full press release (thankfully SpoilerTV kept the post short this time). This episode was supposed to be the thirteenth episode but got moved up.

So I guess it's time for another near-death experience for Alex and the rest of her family (I guess it wasn't enough to try and burn the house down by drying out a book in the oven, nor to almost eat rhubarb that had not had the poisonous leaves removed. Or, in Alex's case alone, going out with a hunk with a borderline criminal past and a motorcycle, assuming Phil didn't get to her in time to stop her date.  Or getting the plague or depriving herself of sleep for 3 nights, etc.)

In this case, it appears it's back to the Modern Family staple of bad driving (at least based on Manny not wanting to get in a car again afterwards), this time almost killing all the Dunphys and Manny. Whatever happens, it causes Alex and Haley to rethink their sibling rivalry and not fight with each other anymore. Which probably will last about as long as it takes to cook a three-minute egg (OK, that's an exaggeration, but I'll be shocked if they're not bickering again by 9:25 PM on 1/7/15). The question is who starts trouble first – given their opposing states of mind so far this season my money would actually be on Alex.

(UPDATE): At the end of tonight's repeat episode ABC ran a promo for the new episode - SpoilerTV has posted it online.  There's one quick (<1 second) clip of Alex bodyslamming(?) Haley, I think.  She's dressed up in that scene - maybe for a college interview, perhaps?

Say safe this holiday week everybody - you'll want to be around when January 7th finally comes.

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