Wednesday, December 10, 2014

“Here's To Never Growing Up” (“Haley's 21st Birthday” Recap)

This was probably the easiest song lyric/title I've have to come up with for a blog post title, but sadly not just because of the main story of tonight's episode (and, to a degree, the story in which Alex had a small role). When word got out that Avril Lavigne, my favorite singer, was having health issues which she's decided not to disclose for now (I have no problem with her keeping her health life private, and I'm not going to speculate here, but hopefully it's something fixable) it was pretty much a given that I would be looking for a lyric snippet from one of her songs for my next post. It didn't take long for me to realize that the title of one her songs from last year's album was the obvious choice.

Anyway, getting back to last night's episode:

Well I guess that's the last we'll see of Teddy (though Alex did say he was a “rebound” date...)

I thought surely Alex would give Lily the true “birds and bees” story. It would have made for a nice scene but I understand why she chose not to (deferring to Mitch and Cam).

And that's about it (as expected, really – tonight was always going to be mostly about Haley's birthday).  I should have seen the surprise reversal ending coming (especially since so much else about last night's show was predictable) but didn't.

Alex's Line Of The Night: “It's my senior year. Trust me, Lily, there will be tons of fun Friday nights in my future. With artists, dignitaries, other scientists...”
...and then Lily cut to the heart of the matter. Sorry, the pickings were slim this week – it was either that or the vomit line.

And so it's re-runs for the rest of the year (last year's Christmas episode, “The Old Man And The Tree”, with Alex playing a lonely Mrs. Claus airs next week). I'll post a few things to keep occupied during the hiatus. And as soon as info gets out about the next new episodes I'll pass along any deep (or, more likely, not so deep) thoughts.

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