Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"You Don't Bring Me Flowers" ("Strangers In The Night" Promo Thoughts - UPDATED)

ABC has posted the promo for tonight's episode on YouTube.

UPDATE: And there's a sneak peak here which renders much of this post moot. At least I get to work on my strikethrough skills.

According to it them, we may or may not be  are adding a secret admirer of Alex to the mix.  But is he real?

I say "may or may not" because we can't assume that it's Alex who has the secret admirer (or at least pretends to).  It could still be anybody in the Dunphy family.

If it's not Alex, not much changes as to which scenario plays out, but her role would be reduced to at least some degree.

If it is Alex, My guess is she's sending the roses to herself, and Phil and Claire and Haley are right about the boyfriend being faked.  Of course, if I'm wrong, Phil's not going to let any of us hear the end of it.

One other remote (but not impossible) possibility if there really is a secret admirer for Alex - the roses might be from Ronnie, Jr. (the son of the obnoxious new neighbors).  I know he wasn't listed in the press release as appearing in this episode, but it's not totally out of the question there could be a note from him attached to one final rose at the end.  For reasons I stated back when that family was introduced, that scenario would definitely be on the downside.

OK, that's several minutes of my life typing that I'll never get back...

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