Wednesday, January 14, 2015

“I Don't Want To Sail With This Ship Of Fools” (“The Big Guns” Recap)

What a difference a year makes – last year at this time we were wondering just how good “Under Pressure” would be (I think I finally found my socks that got knocked off by it around mid-summer).

Last night the best we could hope for was an improvement over last week's stink bomb. Obviously that was a pretty low bar, and we could only go up from there, right? Right?

Well, yes as to the show itself (it was quite good). Alex? Not so much.

At least there wasn't another ridiculous makeover for her. But basically, she was invisible again (like in “The Cold”) with only a couple of lines (but a couple of them were doozies).

And I was really hoping that the Dunphy story would end with Alex coming up with a plan to sink (metaphorically, I think) that boat.

The only bright side? No interaction with Ronnie, Jr. (I'm surprised though he wasn't even there). Trust me, as I've said before, that's a GOOD thing.

Since when does Luke go to Alex for flirting advice? But that does lead us to:

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Just do it a few more times and she'll (Tammy) be begging you (Luke) to kiss her right in the science museum. Or, or, what, whatever her fantasy is.”

And we're now halfway through Season 6 (more thoughts on that sometime this weekend). Unfortunately the second half probably won't begin until February – there definitely are reruns next week (“The Cold” at 9:00, and “The Long Honeymoon” at 10:30), and I've seen nothing about January 28th so I'm guessing another repeat that night too (sigh, I was hoping they'd celebrate Ariel's birthday that night with a big Alex episode).

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