Monday, January 26, 2015

"Oh, Did I Miss Again?" (First Impressions - "Valentine's Day 4: Twisted Sister" - Season 6, Episode 14)

Unfortunately, I was completely off base with my hopes for this episode - the "twisted sister" in this episode is neither Alex or Haley, but instead Gloria's crazy sister (from "Fulgencio").  OK, maybe Alex not being a "twisted" sister (yet?) isn't totally a bad thing but it's still yet another disappointment given the title's potential.

In fact, based off the press release this looks like another adult-themed episode, with little if anything (en masse shutout, anyone?) for any of the kids to do (among the three mentioned stories Phil and Claire go back to their Clive and Juliana personas again - that's probably why they added the "4" in the title when they revised the titles of a couple of episodes - it looks like "Closet? You'll Love It" is now "Fight Or Flight", while "Spring Break" will have a different title to be announced later).

So what looked like the two most promising titles of the next five episodes for Alex as recently as a few days ago will likely be almost the exact opposite, depending on what they do with her college interview next week. And there's no sure thing about the other three either.

Man, January cannot end fast enough.

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