Friday, February 27, 2015

"In The Merry, Merry Month Of May" (Upcoming Episode Title Update)

The titles for episodes 21 and 22 have been released, and while #21 doesn't look that intriguing ("Grill, Interrupted"), #22 ("We're Number One!"), which right now I would project to air on May 6th (hence the title of this post - I'm guessing the finale will be on the 20th) is very much so.

Alex's Yale essay puts her standing within her graduating class into question (I'll say more about this when I recap her essay this weekend) but if she is valedictorian, could this title mean this will be her high school graduation episode?  It will be somewhat disappointing if they're not going to do this for the season finale (especially since they already did that to Alex's middle school graduation in "See You Next Fall" in Season 2), but at least they'd actually be doing something with one of the key moments of her senior year - there's a part of me that worries (hopefully unrealistically)  her graduation could still end up being only a marginal story, or maybe even none at all.

On the other hand, May 6th (or close to it) is a little early for a graduation (a quick Google-ing of "high school graduation ceremony dates california" puts graduations in that state in late May or early June) - perhaps if this is Alex's graduation episode it does end up getting moved into the season finale slot (as I've noted before there has been a lot of episode shifting this year).

Or this is just another straw at which I'm grasping which will slip through my fingers...

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