Monday, February 2, 2015

"When Will I See You Again?" (First Impressions - "Fight Or Flight" - Season 6, Episode 15)

Here's the press release.

Could we be looking at back-to-back Alex-less episodes? The odds would be against it, but maybe.

Obviously we won't know until after next week's Valentine's episode (which has all the makings of an adult-dominated episode) whether there even will be one in a row going into this one, but one thing in this press release sticks out as troubling  - Phil and Claire start the episode out of town and have a story about their plane flight home.  That leaves a wide-open opportunity to leave any or all of the Dunphy kids off the show (or possibly only having them on at the very end).

And, yes, there is precedent for two Alex-less episodes in a row - it happened both in Season 2 ("Dance Dance Revelation" and "Slow Down Your Neighbors") and again in Season 3 ("Go Bullfrogs!" and "Treehouse").

One odd thing about this episode that has nothing to do with Alex - presumably this was the episode originally titled "Closet? You'll Love It!" but the story that involves Jay does not involve his closet empire.  (2/7 EDIT: Nope - "Closet? You'll Love It!" is now scheduled for March 4th.)

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