Monday, March 16, 2015

"Fooled By A Smile" (First Impressions - "Grill, Interrupted", Season 6, Episode 19)

The press release can be found on this page, but you'll have to scroll down and click the "Modern Family" section on the list to reveal it.

I'm not surprised there's no mention of Alex in the release - there is already potential for major stories for her in as many as five of the last seven episodes (I'd be thrilled if that happens but I think it highly unlikely - three or even four are the more likely numbers, but it could be as few as two) so there's bound to be at least a couple where not much will happen, and the title just didn't sound promising (and "Knock 'em Down", the title of the next episode after that, doesn't either). 

There is also a slight chance this could be Alex-less episode #3 (Lily's the only other kid not listed with a story), but with the whole family getting together for Jay's birthday (I thought that was in May?) it's not likely but not impossible.

I guess the other disappointment with this episode is it airs April 1st (hence the word "Fooled" in the post title) and yet they aren't going to try anything crazy (I know they've never done an April Fools' themed episode before, but this is the first time an episode will fall on the exact date so I was thinking maybe...)

No word on the schedule after this episode - if it follows the same pattern as last year there would be re-runs on the 8th and 15th, with the last five episodes starting on April 22nd and running through May 20th.  But that is far from etched in stone.

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