Sunday, March 8, 2015

Another Small Puzzle Piece

One more piece of news concerning Alex came up a couple of days ago in this Entertainment Weekly article - Principal Brown (whom we last saw taking Coach/Sheriff Cam to the woodshed for the dodgeball fracas in "Under Pressure") returns for an episode airing in late April or early May in a story concerning whether or not Alex will be valedictorian.  If that time frame is correct then this is not part of the season finale.

Now, here's the question:  Is this another part of (presumably) Alex's story in "We're Number One!", or is it part of a different episode?  I'm not sure it's the former, only because the same article reports that as part of that episode Gloria's ex-husband Javier returns, in a story (about Gloria becoming a U.S. citizen) that does not appear to have a theme which bears any relation to the above title (usually but not necessarily the main stories do).

If it's not, and instead it's part of a story for the prior episode "Integrity" then we have a mixed bag.  While that might mean two back-to-back episodes with big Alex stories (good news), it might also mean there could be trouble for her (not so good) - it could turn out that her integrity could come into question.  Remember in September  I thought a possible derailment of Alex's plans could be an accusation of cheating, absurd as that sounded?  Or maybe she gets into other trouble at or outside of school?  If there's interaction between her and the principal that might yet come into play.  Of course I hope nothing bad comes of that in the end, but...

Also, the article is silent on whether or not Principal Brown will be in the season finale - if he isn't we might never get a story about Alex's graduation day (or at best a minimal one), probably because in that case she wouldn't be valedictorian and she wouldn't have anything more to do than receive her diploma.

Which brings up one complication from the standpoint of this blog:  the release of the titles of the final two episodes and/or their press releases could spoil what happens in this episode.  I'll have to figure out what to do if and when any such situations come up.

The possibility this all ends in excruciating disappointment aside, at least we have something to think about for the next 2+ months.

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