Wednesday, March 4, 2015

"The Search Is Over - Love Was Right Before My Eyes"(?)

Normally I don't comment when an outside source posts pictures from upcoming Modern Family scene shootings (partially for spoiler reasons, partially because sometimes the scene never shows up), but there's no way I couldn't with this article. (If you are coming from the main page of my blog don't click the "Read more" link below if you don't want to hear about an unofficial potential spoiler).

Yes, that's Alex kissing a boy.  But guess who?  Well, take a look at the third photo - do the two adults standing next to Phil and Claire in the bleachers look familiar? 

Unless I'm mistaken, those are Sanjay's parents (Sanjay's father looks more happy about it than his mother IMO, while both Phil and Claire look ecstatic).  So, it looks like maybe the two bitter rivals (at least Alex has always felt that way)  are going to be at least friends, or something more (prom date if nothing else)?  At any rate we will finally get to see Sanjay after all these years (OK, that wouldn't exactly be the highlight of the episode, but...).  And we may find out if they are going to end up at the same college.

My guess is this is going to be a scene from "We're Number One!".  Whether it involves some sort of physical education competition or something else (it still could involve who is valedictorian) remains to be seen.  The last two episode titles yet to be announced may provide some clues as well.

So at least one episode of the remaining seven (after tonight) looks very, very, interesting.

Oh, and apologies for quoting the sappiest Survivor song ever - Phil and Claire already used up "Eye Of The Tiger".

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