Monday, July 13, 2015

"Let's Do The Time Warp Again"

It's amazing how on one hand summer seems to be going so quickly (especially considering how little I've been able to do in the past seven weeks), and yet at the same time September 23rd is still so far away (ten weeks from Wednesday).

Still not much news about Alex and the new season, although I've heard rumblings (highly unofficial since they haven't even resumed filming yet) that the main focus of next season's opener will be the continuation of the Haley/Andy/Beth triangle,  which would probably mean they won't deal with Alex starting at CalTech until the second episode (presuming they don't ignore it entirely - they've already covered a kid starting in college three seasons ago with Haley in "Schooled" and it's at least possible they may not want to do a similar story again). 

That actually would not be all that surprising, since the first episode usually takes place during or at the end of summer, and recently it's been the second episode that deals with one or more of the kids starting their new school year (the aforementioned "Schooled" in Season 4, "First Days" in Season 5, and, to a degree, "Do Not Push" last year).

And there may be a silver lining - could they have a story in the opener about Alex's vacation in Europe (or at least its aftermath)?

I hope something good comes out of one or both of these episodes - I'm still not optimistic how the rest of the season will go for Alex after that.

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