Friday, August 14, 2015

"Who Would Have Guessed (That It) Could Be Something As Simple As This"

The first two episode titles for Season 7 have been released.  I'll post the link at the bottom (just to change things up a bit - one of them has quite a bit of spoiler potential).

And unlike last year's first two episodes where neither title ("The Long Honeymoon", "Do Not Push") left any clue that Alex would be prominent in both episodes, it's almost a safe bet based on this year's first two titles she will be in one of them.   And it gives Alex something that not every character has had yet.

But it's not the first episode - that one's title of "Summer Lovin'" is hardly a surprise, given they've all but telegraphed the continuation of Haley and Andy's story in it.  Does Alex fit in at all?  Probably not - that article to which I linked in my last post hinted that she might have someone or two new in her life, but I doubt we'll see that until after her college year starts.

Which brings us to Episode 2, and its title of (drumroll, please...)

"The Day Alex Left for College" (!!!!)

So there you have it - Alex finally gets the honor of having her name in an episode title (albeit a pretty self-explanatory one), unless it gets changed before it airs (and if I just jinxed everything, feel free to scream at me later).

Now that does not guarantee we're in for something special (hence the "almost")  - they could easily make it only a background story like they did with her graduation last year, because, well, it's Alex.  But I'm hopeful I'm just being paranoid here.

And, as promised, here's the link.

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