Wednesday, September 30, 2015

“So Remember Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever”

Well, tonight's the night, “The Day Alex Left For College”. OK, that last sentence just went through a spin cycle in the time-space continuum – at least it didn't meet up with Eddy.

Anyway, here's my not-so-deep thoughts about the episode:

Anticipation Level: High. I would have rated this higher if I didn't suspect the story is more about Claire and Phil trying to let go than whatever feelings Alex has about the next phase of her life. And, paradoxically(?), I would have rated this lower if I didn't know there will be at least one scene where Alex meets her new roommate.

So I guess we split the difference – this still may be the episode I most look forward to all year...

...Which is kind of sad, in a way, because it is only the second episode of the season. I mean, seriously? This season's going to reach its high point before we turn the page from September to October? It might just, which doesn't bode well for October to May.

(And again, while there is an episode coming up in a few weeks which will probably have a higher anticipation level, it will not be in a good way.)

Heartbreak Potential Level: Low (for Alex, anyway). Again, the emotion is more likely to come from Phil and Claire – Alex will probably be happy for much of this episode.  And I might melt a little when they say goodbye.

Do You Have Any Questions?

Do we see Phil's-osophy 2 tonight?

What will Alex's roommate's name really be? Will it be Maisie (as mentioned in the press release), or was that another fake out (like they did with the name of the actor playing Alex's second boyfriend in "Strangers In The Night") and it really will be Alaina as Alex said back in “Crying Out Loud” last season?

Will Alex and Maisie/Alaina be compatible? Could she actually be more like Haley than Alex (well comparatively, anyway – she was smart enough to get into CalTech)?

Do we see any foreshadowing tonight of what might happen in “that” episode?

Hopefully I'll get to see the answers to these questions tonight – I could be dealing with rain fade tonight (it's pouring out as I type this and while it's expected to end before 9, who knows?) and if so the recap will be delayed.

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