Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"If It's Getting Cold, Reheat It" (First Impressions - "Phil's Sexy, Sexy House" - Season 7, Episode 7)

Well, I dodged a couple of bullets today.  First, last night I thought I made a major screw-up at work and wasn't sure if I would still have a job when I came back on Friday.  Thankfully for me when I asked about it this morning it turned out to be no big deal.  Not that there's even a hint of correlation but hopefully that's a good omen for Alex's story next week.
And now, I don't have to worry about whether or not the press release for the episode that follows whatever happens next week contained any spoilers about "The More You Ignore Me" - nothing at all is mentioned about Alex (i.e. no "Now that Alex blah, blah, blah..." type of information).  So I don't have to agonize over how much to say about it.

Unless there's a major blowup next week (yes, that definitely could still happen), I don't think we have to worry about an Alex-less episode since this following week's episode takes place at a family gathering the day after Thanksgiving (hopefully the leftovers they'll be eating are from this year not last year, although with all those turkeys from last year...), so even if she's still in school (I can't believe I had to say that) she'll be on a short recess and be able to be home for it.

It's going to seem weird though, seeing an episode set the day after Thanksgiving that week (the 18th), then, in all likelihood, seeing "Three Turkeys" re-run the following week (the 25th), which was set on (last year's) Thanksgiving Day.  But at least I know it would be a re-run - someone not aware will tune in on the 25th and say "wait a minute - didn't they already celebrate Thanksgiving?"

Also weird is that's they're even doing an episode that even mentions Thanksgiving (it's only a small part) - especially with that re-run the following week I didn't think they'd do anything new regarding the holiday.

And if anyone has any serious Alex withdrawal without even so much as a re-run on ABC tonight, USA airs a marathon of Season 1 episodes from 7-12 ("Come Fly With Me" airs at 8:00).  I'll be recording the 9-9:30 part of that silly music awards show that pre-empts Modern Family, just in case they air a commercial for next week's episode - if anything big happens I'll post later (don't hold your breath).

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