Monday, December 21, 2015

"While I'm Waiting I'll Be Stargazing" (First Impressions - "Playdates" - Season 7, Episode 10)

No, that title's not a misprint - "Spread Your Wings" has been pushed back to January 13th. This is the episode that airs next.

I'm going to guess the coupon that Alex, Haley and Luke gave Mitch for his birthday that he redeems in this episode must have been from some time ago - that sounds like something they would have done as kids and not as teenagers (although Claire did do something similar for Phil for their anniversary with coupons for free hugs).  Especially Alex - I just don't see her as the "wanting to visit movie stars' homes" type, unless her change in mood during Christmas is going to turn into something deeper than a simple one-off.  Other than that possibility I don't see much game-changing potential for Alex in this one (maybe the week after that?) but it could be fun at least. 

I'm curious to see what the coupon actually says, and how it turned into an impromptu sightseeing tour.

Oh, and apologies for the blurry screenshot from "Express Christmas" - that's the best one I could get from that episode (and I really wanted to use something from that episode for the last third of December).

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