Wednesday, January 6, 2016

“But As The Stars Are Going Out” (“Playdates” Recap)

Like the “responsibility” to win that Alex feels, tonight was just...”there”.

There were a few giggles (especially Alex's “Seriously?” comment as they were mimicking being at a gas station to fool a blindfolded Mitch) but nothing earth-shatteringly funny*.

At least Alex looked like she semi-enjoyed going along with the whole ruse (that above comment notwithstanding), and she did get to be the one to try and nicely bring Mitch down to earth and admit everyone was making things up as they went along (Mitch took it a lot better than I thought – I was waiting for him to blow up at the kids for “ruining” his fun day).

Maybe she should have been the one doing the”omelet” song/dance (or maybe not, given how she was an innocent co-conspirator of stealing Mitch's moment at Christmas).

Even though it came out almost eight years before she was born, I would have thought that Alex would have at least heard of Goodfellas (having said that, the other two Ray Liotta movie references went over my head, too). She really needs a social life (duh).

Alex's Line Of The Night: (debating the legitimacy of the seller of the star maps) ”What business? You've got a sign and a lawn chair.”

Tonight could have worse (like a year ago), I suppose. Hopefully next week's “Spread Your Wings” will be better (with a story about Alex and Phil). It better be good, since we might be looking at another long break after that.

I've seen press releases/synopses for The Middle, The Goldbergs and Black-ish for January 20th, but nothing for Modern Family. If that means a repeat (more on what else that might mean this weekend unless I hear something otherwise), then we are probably looking at (again?) three weeks off – usually the last Wednesday in January has a repeat episode (they've never aired a new episode that week in any of the first six seasons), then, as I found out tonight, on the first Wednesday (3rd) of February sweeps there's a mini-series (Madoff) preempting at least the comedy block of ABC's line-up. Egads, who is doing the scheduling this year?

*(OK, the last scene in the restaurant with Phil and Tom discussing how they made a bet on getting their wives to eat crickets was hysterical, but, unfortunately, that had nothing to do with Alex.)

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