Wednesday, January 13, 2016

“So Fathers, Be Good To Your Daughters”

I found a sneak preview to tonight's “Spread Your Wings” on Twitter which looks interesting:
So what else do I think about tonight?

Anticipation Level: Medium to High. Hopefully that sneak preview means they'll give this Alex and Phil story a fair amount of time and not just make it a bit of an afterthought to the duckling story. The only reason I don't go all the way to high with the anticipation level is because I still think the more likely scenario is the story ends up being more about Phil (again because of the potential tie-in to that ducking story) than Alex. But even in that case I still think it will be pretty good though.

And, throw in the fact that it will again be a while before the next new episode...

Emotional Moment Potential Level: Medium. Time to tweak things a little bit here – this section sort of replaces, and sort of refines the “Heartbreak Potential Level” I've been using so far this season. I decided to rename this because not every moment involving Alex which tugs at the heartstrings is brought on by heartbreak (although it may seem that way sometimes). An example would be last year's kiss between her and Sanjay – Emotional? Yes. Heartbreaking? No. (OK, there was heartbreak a few months later, but not at the time). This section also will now factor in the chance of a meltdown moment.

As for this week, I think the chance is there for a heart-to-heart chat between Phil and Alex somewhere (if it happens, it could go either way as to who consoles/lifts the spirits of/etc. whom – does Phil console Alex because that incident we see in the sneak preview gets her in trouble? Or does Alex console Phil when he finds out his ducklings have been given their freedom?).

On the downside, that sneak preview scene could lead to Alex totally going off on Phil, if, again, the fallout from it hurts her situation at CalTech.

Do You Have Any Questions?

Alex has said a couple of times that things have been hard for her at CalTech – do we find out just how hard?

Could the captain of the school football team (who in that scene ends up mad at Alex) turn out to be a potential love interest for her in spite of that?

Oh, and finally, I did say I'd try and make this post a little brighter than the pessimistic post from this past weekend. So, here you go:


(image from WorldArtsMe)

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