Wednesday, February 17, 2016

“The Joker Ain't The Only Fool“

Well, nobody ever said a wild card guaranteed anyone a winning hand, especially if they don't give you any chips with which to play.

I'm guessing that one of the ladies at that luncheon was the mysterious “college dean” listed in the press release. Not that it matters.

I wish tonight being Alex-less episode #15 meant something good was coming next week. It's possible – lately Alex has had something big happen just before or just after an episode where she goes missing (e.g. “Under Pressure” before “Three Dinners”, “Spring Break” after “Closet? You'll Love It!”). And there's still Maisie in it. But it's far from a lock, especially since there's no role mentioned for Alex.

And, of course, neither is it a lock that this will be the last Alex-less episode of the season.

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