Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"When I'm Telling A Story And You Find It Boring" (First Impressions - "Thunk In The Trunk" - Season 7, Episode 13)

The press release for the February 17th episode is here, but don't get too excited.
Alex is not mentioned in it (none of the kids are, except for Manny), but there is one intriguing note in it - there is a "College Dean" listed in the guest characters list.  Before I saw that I had a feeling that Alex might not even be in this one (that still isn't totally out of the question - since it doesn't mention if the dean is from CalTech it could conceivably involve Manny and/or Luke and their getting ready to plan for college after next year).
I'm probably going to get to that long-overdue review of the second quarter tomorrow and then I'll elaborate further on why I thought that, and why I think the upcoming quarter will almost certainly have at least one Alex-less episode (if not more).

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