Farewell, Alex Dunphy (Fennerman?). Thank you for being you.

Farewell, Alex Dunphy (Fennerman?).  Thank you for being you.
Farewell, Alex Dunphy (Fennerman?). Thank you for being you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

“Dirty Little Secrets, Dirty Little Lies“ (“I Don't Know How She Does It” Recap)

So it turns out that brief scene that I posted from Twitter earlier with Alex was actually partially in the promo commercial as well – had I been keeping a watch for it I would have known two days ago that Alex would be there. That's what I get for having so little belief in this episode that I couldn't bring myself to look for the promo commercial.

So, yeah, I dropped the ball again (surprise, surprise) – what can I say – I've always been clumsy. Luckily for me I'm not about to fire myself...

On the other hand, it does look like I pretty much nailed it otherwise. Alex's role was pretty much as inconsequential as I thought it would be, save for saving the computer at the end.

And her making googly eyes at Joe (can you blame her, or anyone else?) obviously doesn't count as an “emotional moment”.

Again, why didn't she stop Phil from trying to fix her computer last week? Not surprisingly it looks like she could have handled things without getting her own computer fried.

It would have been more interesting (read: farcical) to watch Alex do those three weeks worth of laundry she brought home, given how she's not the handiest of persons.

There was one thing interesting about tonight – if Alex is going to the trouble of getting a birthday present for Maisie, she almost certainly is still living on campus. And, depending on the present (I'm guessing it was at least decent, given it came from Best Buy), it looks like they actually are getting along after all (if they weren't I don't see Alex caring enough to do this for Maisie). Now if only we can get a story with just the two of them in the remaining few episodes.

I suppose her doing three weeks' worth of laundry is another sign she probably still lives in the dorm, although it's possible she just has been too busy to do it even at home. (For the record CalTech does have washing facilities in their dorms.) [3/6 EDIT: I've moved this sentence from above the last paragraph to below it - it just dawned on me today after re-reading that it made more sense that way.]

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”At least we know why you (Phil) were late – looks like you rescued those cupcakes from a burning bakery.”

And with that, we're on break again (at least it's only one week this time).