Monday, March 7, 2016

"The Clock Is Always Ticking" (First Impressions - "Express Yourself" - Season 7, Episode 17)

I don't know if this is the episode that was earlier listed as "The Party" (which is not in SpoilerTV's list any more), but it might not be since the closest anything comes to a party story in the press release is some Haley and Andy shenanigans.

And, for the fifth week in a row, no mention of Alex in the release.  What may be more troubling is that almost everyone else is mentioned in one story or another (Luke is the only other one not mentioned), which makes me wonder, again...

This is starting to look more and more like the second half of Season 5, where after "Under Pressure" Alex had very little to do.  At best I think we can only hope for one more big story before the end of the season (and even that might be wishful thinking) - certainly we're not looking at a big last quarter like last year.

And whatever happens has already been decided - Modern Family is wrapping up filming Season 7 today:

On the other hand there is some good news - as you've probably already heard there will definitely be a Season 8 this fall (ABC made the announcement earlier than they have in past seasons, so at least we won't be sweating that out for the next two months), so hopefully there will be bigger and better things for Alex next season.

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