Tuesday, March 15, 2016

"The Times Are Tough Now, Just Getting Tougher"

I was thinking of just copying and pasting most of my comments from my pre-show thoughts from two weeks ago, since really there's little difference in my expectations from then and now.  Well, maybe just one difference - I'm a little more optimistic about one thing about "The Cover-Up" than I was about "I Don't Know How She Does It":

Anticipation Level: Very Low. 

Emotional Moment Potential Level: Very Low.

I feel like I should insert a "this tape will self-destruct in 5 seconds" type of comment here.  Just like two weeks ago, I just don't see much for Alex tonight.

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: Low.  On the other hand, I'm not as pessimistic about tonight as I was about "I Don't Know How She Does It" - with no sign of Alex (including in the promo commercial - this time I did check it before posting) it's still possible but I'm not that worried.

(Next week might be an entirely different story though...)

Do You Have Any Questions? Nothing that can be answered by "42".

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