Wednesday, May 11, 2016

“I Hate The Way Reality Sets In” (“Crazy Train” Recap)

Those lists of “Poor Alex” moments I plan on writing someday? This one's definitely going on the sad list.

Actually, maybe this one needs its own category – a “totally ticked off mad” list. I mean, seriously, I am really getting tired of seeing Alex getting her hopes up that good things will happen to her and she ends up happy, only to have the rug pulled out from under her. Tonight might have been the worst example of all – to top it all off, she was made to look foolish and outsmarted.

Just when it looks like Alex might get a win, by meeting a seemingly nice guy on the train who thinks she's beautiful, and she sees that life outside of a first class cocoon can be fun after all, everything goes to h-e-double hockey sticks in a handbasket:

1) Her rendezvous with him in her “room” not only doesn't happen, but instead it's Manny who shows up, thinking she has a crush on him (a misunderstanding sadly instigated by a cute hat). At least he wasn't really trying to take advantage of the situation.

2) Instead, the guy actually got off the train, leaving poor Alex to bemoan what could've been, then, to add insult to injury...

3) It turns out he's a con man and a thief, stealing her wallet. This is one of those times I'm glad this is fiction, because otherwise I'd be scared she might end up stranded in Portland without an ID.

I guess on the bright side she still has Sanjay, doesn't she? The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if he breaks up with her again next week. (Actually, I'm really starting to dread what might happen to her next week in general.)

As a whole, the episode wasn't the train wreck I thought it might have been. But Alex's story sure felt like a derailment.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”So he's not an artist. Who cares?” Sadly, compared to his human being skills his artistic skills would make him look like a Rembrandt.

(And, now that I think about it, Alex was wrong about that, too.  He is an artist - a con artist.)

I'm sorry if this post is rather blunt – I just totally hated what they did to Alex in this one and really needed to vent.

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