Wednesday, May 18, 2016

“You're Not The Only One With Mixed Emotions” (“Double Click” Recap)

OK, then. Where should I start? I feel like I should have some sort of emotion after the finale, but I wish I knew what the heck emotion it should be.

I suppose I could be happy, since Alex's life didn't totally go south like I feared. And she actually was happy at the end.

But I could be sad too that everyone was ignoring her for the first 20 minutes or so. I'm surprised we didn't get that meltdown moment that seemed likely (other than a quick snap at Phil while she was making her lasagna).

At least they finally did join in with her, so I'm not really angry (like I was last week). Had they made fun of her cooking (again, given what happened last week I'm surprised they didn't) that would have been another story.

I guess the most overriding emotion I have would actually be puzzlement.

Why did Alex actually think her family was going to make a really big deal about her homecoming (it turns out she was the one who circled that date on the family calendar – that's one I probably should have seen coming)? As I said earlier today, Alex has seemingly been home more often than not – in fairness to the rest of her family it's hard to be excited about someone coming home when it seems like she barely left in the first place (even if it is Alex).

And certainly expecting a 3-day party like Sanjay was getting was highly unrealistic.

(Actually, why were Sanjay's parents going overboard like that? Granted AFAIK he's an only child, but that's a bit too much parenting if you ask me.)

And I am totally not sure what emotion to apply to Alex's “revelation” about sleeping with a boy. I'll just leave it at that for now.

Still, all in all, it wasn't a bad end to the season for Alex – importantly the biggest parts of her life are still on track...I think.

Alex's Line Of The Night: (about how she marked her homecoming date on the calendar) ”Was I too subtle the way I put it on the calendar, or?”

It was a toss-up between this line and her line to Haley about (having her expectations of a big welcoming home) being crushed over and over by family members. I chose the funny one this time.

Probably early next week I'll review what happened with Alex during Season 7. And then another long summer of guessing what could happen next season can begin.

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