Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"I've Got A Ways To Go"

Yes, I'm still here - as I noted a few weeks ago there just isn't much to talk about for a while.  Heck, they won't even start filming for Season 8 of Modern Family for another 2 months - maybe by then they'll notice Alex came back home?

One thing that I'm not happy about is how poorly ABC's rerun schedule for Modern Family has meshed with mine.  Last week I had Wednesday off, but they decided to play a game of the NBA Finals that night instead of a rerun.  Oddly enough, they did air a re-run the following night, but, guess what?  I was working.  And instead of the expected "Spread Your Wings" (the only one of the few un-aired reruns from last season I'm actually looking forward to seeing again), they went back to the beginning with "Summer Lovin'".

This week, I'm working on Wednesday, so naturally they're airing "The Closet Case".  Oddly enough (or maybe not), they skipped over "The Day Alex Left For College".  And, next week I'm off on Wednesday again, just in time for the Alex-less "She Crazy" (oh, joy).

On the flip side, Ariel Winter is making some news outside of her day job - in case you haven't heard, she's filming a movie called "Dog Years" in Tennessee.   I'll probably have more to say about that later this month.

And, she graduated from high school last night (Congratulations, Ariel!) and is getting ready to start her college studies at UCLA next fall.

And that's about it - I just wanted to let everyone know this blog's just sleeping (hibernating?), and not dead.

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