Farewell, Alex Dunphy (Fennerman?). Thank you for being you.

Farewell, Alex Dunphy (Fennerman?).  Thank you for being you.
Farewell, Alex Dunphy (Fennerman?). Thank you for being you.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

"Don't Want To Be The Last To Know"

So as far as I know ABC has yet to issue a press release for the season opener, but they did air a commercial for it during last night's first rerun (they fell so far behind they're airing two a week to catch up - last night was "Man Shouldn't Lie" and "Promposal", the final two, "Crazy Train" and "Double Click" air next Wednesday).  It did look like we will see a bit more in depth of the Dunphys' New York trip than I thought, but I'm not sure whether Alex has a story of her own in it.

That's about all I have, strangely enough - no real details yet.

[UPDATE] Here's the commercial from YouTube: