Wednesday, September 21, 2016

“I Am The Passenger” (“A Tale Of Three Cities” Recap)

Well that was about as ho-hum a beginning for Alex as you could get. It wasn't terrible, but really, she was just along for the ride again.

I don't know – maybe I was just spoiled by Alex having a prominent role in each of the last two season openers, but this one fell flat.

I know it was Haley's phone so she got to be the point person as far as the kids keeping their lie afloat, but couldn't the plot have allowed Alex to offer more input (other than keeping Luke in the loop, which ultimately backfired)?

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”When have you (Luke) ever made us breakfast?” Yep, the pickings were slim here, too.

Next week should at least be more interesting. Or possibly more infuriating, depending on just how badly everyone takes advantage of Alex.

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