Wednesday, October 26, 2016

“If There's Something Strange In Your Neighborhood” (“Halloween 4: The Revenge Of Rod Skyhook” Recap)

Who you gonna call - maybe the one character in the cast not to wear a costume?

I know that was a question I asked earlier today whether or not Alex would wear a costume tonight. Even though then I thought she wouldn't, it still seemed weird that she was the only one who didn't. Maybe she has some repressed memories (like Cam back in the first Halloween episode) she's trying to forget?

On the other hand, she did have that Halloween-themed top, so she wasn't being a total Scrooge.

Even beyond that, it was a rather strange episode for Alex, who seemed almost like a total outsider tonight.

At first I thought she was still feeling the effects of her mononucleosis bout when we saw her lying on the couch – I didn't hear her conversation with Phil too well the first time and didn't realize it was just another case of her having nothing to do on a holiday. She seemed fine the rest of the night so maybe's she's over it.  Hopefully it wasn't her “last good day”1.

Which may explain some of her weird interaction with Reuben – was she trying to make him jealous by making him think she had a social life? Or was she just overcompensating for feelings of disappointment over not having plans?

And just what was some of his costume makeup doing on her chin, anyway? I want to think that there's a simple and completely innocent explanation, but when she told Luke she had a problem...

I feel like this post is about to run off the tracks, so I think I'd better just get to the big finish.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Sorry, I can't hear you (Reuben). I'm listening to a message from the sexiest professor in the Physics department. Let's just say he got drunk after a symposium last year and asked me to wheel him home.” That still would be better than Reuben if it really was true.

And that's that, for a couple of weeks.

1Come on – you didn't really think I'd go through a whole season without at least one reference to “The Fault In Our Stars”, did you?  OK, admittedly this one was a reach since Alex isn't dying (and she better not be - that would definitely qualify as a great and terrible ten).

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