Tuesday, October 11, 2016

“The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow(?)”

Yes, I'm early with the pre-show this week, but I'm going to probably be busy tomorrow, so I'm getting it out of the way now.

What's my forecast for “Weathering Heights”?

Anticipation Level: Low. The only thing that saves this from me tacking on a “Very” is that there won't be an episode next week (and the Halloween episode to follow looks less than awe-inspiring), so I'm kind of in take what I can get mode. Honestly, we're really in one of those holding patterns, waiting for Alex to start that new barista job for the next big story.

Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low. No need to save that “Very” here, though.

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: Almost, but not quite zero. Assuming this tweeted GIF is from tomorrow night's episode (I don't recognize it from anything earlier), she should be there for at least one scene:
In Which Story Do I Want To See Alex Play A Part? None of the three stories looks that interesting. When that happens I'll generally default to a Dunphy story, which in this case is the one with Phil meeting his favorite weatherman. I think Alex is just going to be scenery again this week though.

Are There Any Other Questions?
I was going to ask if Alex was going to get her voice back (just in case they might decide to stretch the joke out for one more episode), but based on how happy she seems to be in that GIF I'm guessing she can talk again.

Obviously there is the question of why she is happy, and will it last?  Maybe because she's back to full health (or at least because she can speak).  Sadly, does anybody out there really think it will last until the end of the show?

See you in about 25 hours.

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