Monday, November 14, 2016

"Everybody Get Together" (First Impressions - "The Alliance" - Season 8, Episode 8)

It's this episode that will air on November 30th and not "Sarge and Pea".  The press release and promo photos can be found here, but there's no sign of Alex this time.  In fact with Haley and Luke getting stories, we have to wonder if she'll even be there at all.  But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

One other episode title has been released - what is listed as Episode 13 (for now - no 11 or 12 yet) is titled "Sushi Chefs".  Now if the title had mentioned coffee that would have perked me up (pun not intended), but raw fish? Yeah, yet another less-than-awe-inspiring title.

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