Wednesday, November 9, 2016

“If You Judge A Book By The Cover”

I don't have a lot to say about what happened last night – I know Alex would be mighty ticked off this morning (Ariel certainly was – I'd post her tweet but I want to keep this blog SFW). I've said from the beginning I wasn't thrilled with the prospect of either candidate getting elected so I probably wasn't going to be very happy either way, but I am somewhat shocked Trump pulled it off.

So, with that out of the way, let's get back to Alex's world. “Grab It” airs tonight, and there is a story with Alex in it (the main story is how Claire interprets what Alex is doing with her life, while there is a sub-story about what Haley thinks Alex thinks about what she's doing).

Anticipation Level: Medium to High. I'm actually going to be cautiously optimistic about this – I think this could be an interesting night, although I'm not sure if the story ends up being more about Claire than Alex (I'm guessing the flip side story would be more about Haley than Alex – hopefully Alex doesn't get sandwiched into a minor role overall). Does tonight set the stage for Alex's new job? I'll get to that in a moment.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low to Medium. Hopefully there will be a heartwarming ending to Alex and Claire's story, but I doubt we're going to see (m)any tears.

Game Changing Potential: Low to Medium. Time to introduce a new section to these pre-game posts. This will be another section I won't do every week, but generally if Alex is mentioned in the press release I'll comment on the chance of something happening that changes her life.

I think there's a chance of events happening tonight which cause Alex to ultimately take that barista job that's coming up at some point. But there is a bit of a timing problem which makes me think this won't happen – because Alex has a story again next week I doubt we'll see her get another story in the episode that follows (“Sarge & Pea”). I don't think the story about her new job will come until at least “The Alliance” in about a month, so I think tonight might be too early for it to be mentioned, but it's not totally out of the realm of possibility (maybe Claire puts a little pressure onto Alex to do something).

Are There Any Other Questions? Nothing that won't steer this post back into political discussion, and I think we all need a break from that.

One good thing about last night being decisive - at least it looks like there's almost no chance of a last-minute preemption.

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