Wednesday, November 30, 2016

“I'm So Empty” (“The Alliance” Recap)

I'm not particularly surprised, but I really don't have much to say about tonight's episode, as far as Alex was concerned – I'm not even going to bother page breaking this one.  Basically, she appeared in a few scenes, and that was that – she really didn't even get a chance to add much of anything.

Most disappointingly there was not even a word about how her new job is going in that one coffee shop scene – other than one line Alex was, once again, little more than scenery. Again, hopefully bigger and better things will come later and tonight (using her job and location as merely a prop for other characters' story lines) was an exception and not a regular feature.

At least the episode as a whole was quite good, with the “ha, ha – fooled you – that's exactly what we wanted” ending.

Alex's Line Of The Night: (speaking to Haley at the coffee shop about her boyfriend's teenage daughter) ”You're nervous? I mean, how can this go wrong – she's a teenage girl – that's when you peaked.”

We could have used a few more barbs like that, especially since this might be the last we see of Alex until after the holidays. But that's a rant or two I'll resume in two weeks.

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