Wednesday, November 16, 2016

“It Was Nothing At All” (“Thanksgiving Jamboree” Recap)

OK, maybe it was a little bit more than nothing. But Alex's story with Dwight barely got off the ground.

Yes, they flirted, and yes, they kissed.

But just as we were going to find out whether anything would come of it, they moved on to another story and never came back (unless they do a story about the big game sadly I think that's the last we're going to see of Dwight – after seeing them together I really wish this wasn't just a one-off even with the age difference).

Alex didn't even get a chance to tell Cam to mind his own business about what she does with her life. (I was planning for days on going on a long rant myself about that possibly happening tonight, but the ending was so abrupt I don't think it's worth it now.)

Sigh.  Once again, a story with Alex is only just an afterthought.

That barista story better really pay off big now, or this season may become a lost cause before Christmas.

Alex's Line Of The Night: (after Dwight complemented her) ”I mean, listen – I'm, flattered, but, even though you are, so, so, tall, you are in high school, and I'm...” OK, that she's multiple school grade levels ahead didn't exactly stop her from dating Reuben, but Dwight's a lot nicer person, so there. And it was a cute scene, and Alex giggling through it was cute too.

Everybody have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, especially if you like your turkey fried. There might be a press release or 2 before the next episode but other than that I probably won't have much else to say until then.

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