Monday, December 26, 2016

"Oh No, Not Again(?)" (First Impressions - "Sarge And Pea" - Season 8, Episode 11)

[12/28 UPDATE: Now that promo photos have been added to SpoilerTV's post I'm a little bit more optimistic about this episode - there are some photos with Alex (and Haley) apparently interacting with some other guy.  So there is a little bit of hope that we will get more out of this episode than I originally thought.]

The good news is Alex is mentioned in this episode's press release.

The bad news? We may be looking at a case of déjà vu all over again:

"Cam is incensed that an anonymous and rude parent robbed him of a precious Lily moment during her recent dance recital. While he and Hayley [sic] visit Alex at her coffee shop the next day, he thinks he recognizes the culprit and goes to extremes to uncover her identity, and give her a peace [sic] of his mind."

So it looks like we might be looking at a repeat of what happened a few weeks ago in "The Alliance", in which Alex is at her job, but ends up only being a spectator to somebody else's story.  She might get to do a little bit more this time, but unless there's a hidden story for her I doubt this will be her big coffee shop story we've been waiting for from the beginning.

(And there's that little voice in my head that's really starting to wonder if that story will ever happen.)

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