Wednesday, January 11, 2017

“Let The Spinning Wheel Spin” (“Sarge & Pea” Recap)

Unfortunately for Alex, that spinning wheel is her life stuck in something.

At least Alex didn't get fired like I feared might happen (although when that lady complained about her tablet “disappearing” for a moment it looked like things might get stickier than that powdered doughnut residue on it).

But, except maybe for one line, we didn't get much of a clue about what Alex might do either:

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Last year I was doing differential topography at CalTech and now I sketch leaves in milk foam for adult skateboarders. I need something more.”

I think it sounds like she's not all that happy at her job and is ready to go back to school, but I'm not totally sure (and is CalTech still that school – that line makes me wonder a little bit if she's looking elsewhere and may not be going back). I really wish they'd give us a story about her life (and not someone else's) at the coffee shop so we could know for sure. But I'm really doubting that's going to happen now.

And that meaningful story about her job certainly didn't happen tonight – while Alex did get to do a little bit more than the last time we saw her at the coffee shop, the story still wasn't about her. Even the secondary story (the second half of the “blind date”) was about Haley, leaving Alex to only be an occasional assistant.

And she still managed to take some abuse from the nasty lady who ruined Cam's big moment.

It looks like they're just going to keep ignoring Alex until they can come up with some new way to make her life miserable.

On the whole this turned out to be yet another disappointment in a string of first half disappointments. And I'm not optimistic the second half will be much better. But I'll get to that in due time (and I'll have plenty of that with this next break).

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