Wednesday, January 4, 2017

“So Let The Sideshow Begin”

It looks like I'll be left out in the dark for tonight's episode (and I'd bet next week's as well at this point) – there's been no indication that this dispute between DirecTV and my local ABC affiliate's owner is going to be resolved any time soon – both sides are slinging mud on each other (without giving anybody any idea whether they're even trying to settle things), and trying (badly) to convince us viewers that they are on our side in this matter (I call total bull on that – each side is just being greedy and only caring about lining their own pockets).

Anyway, “Ringmaster Keifth” does air tonight in spite of all this, so on with the preshow. At least here things are a little bit brighter than they were at the start of the week:

Anticipation Level: Low to Medium. I was able to see the promo for tonight online, and there is one brief Alex sighting in it which gives me a glimmer of hope (it's about 8 seconds into the clip):

It looks like Alex (and Haley, I think) are out at some kind of gathering that looks like it might be another music festival (based on all the other young adults there and the “90s” on the poster in the background). So we may be seeing at least a small story involving Alex that's not at home. Will it be a big deal? Possibly, if not particularly likely.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low to Medium. Well, we all remember what happened the last time Alex went to a music festival. Of course history doesn't always repeat itself, and probably won't here, so I'm leaning more towards low on this one but, again, the possibility exists.

Game Changing Potential: Low to Medium. Almost ditto, but I think it's less likely we'll see Alex make any important decisions about her future until next week, if then.

Are There Any Other Questions? I was going to ask why Alex was all dressed up this week (she usually only does so for special occasions) but I think that clip pretty much answered that.

I'll let you know if anything changes as far as when I'll get to see tonight's episode, but I'm not holding my breath on that, so expect to hear from me again either tomorrow night or Friday.

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