Friday, February 17, 2017

"I Found Myself In Wonderland" (First Impressions - "Heavy Is The Head" - Season 8, Episode 14)

Another week, another almost last minute press release, another episode with no idea if Alex will even be in it big Alex story in it.

How far down the rabbit hole have we fallen?  Even seeing that Ben is in this episode doesn't seem to be a cause for optimism (I'm betting his appearance here will have nothing to with Alex - Claire is facing issues at her father's closet business) - in fact, my "glass half-empty" disposition right now has me thinking more and more that we've reached a dead end with that secret admirer story already.

And that may not be the last dead end.

[2/19 UPDATE: One piece of good news - Alex is in the promo commercial, so at least we're not getting back-to-back Alex-less episodes.  It's not a big enough deal for me to make a whole new post about it.]

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