Monday, March 13, 2017

"Here Comes Your 19th Nervous Breakdown(?)"

A promo commercial has come out for Wednesday night's episode, but it is far from encouraging:

There's going to be a story about Luke trying to get into college, but the scenes that I see show all of the Dunphys involved except for Alex.

And there's one more quick scene about 4 seconds in which shows most of the family together.  Two of the girls are shown with their backs to the camera, but I don't think Alex is either of them.  The one on the right is almost certainly Haley, while I think the one near the middle is Lily - the hair looks too light to be Alex.

So it's beginning to look like this week is likely to be the third Alex-less episode of the season (unless something really special is planned for her away from the family, and I'm extremely pessimistic about that chance).

OK, having a nervous breakdown over this is more than a lot of hyperbole, but...

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