Wednesday, March 29, 2017

“It's Now Or Never(?)”

I know there will still be four episodes left to this season after tonight's “Five Minutes”, but the closer we get to it, the more it feels like tonight could be our last best chance for a big Alex story this season, and possibly period. We know not much is likely to happen next week1,2, and given how little has happened with Alex overall this season, does anybody have any confidence in anything big coming up in the final three?

So a lot appears to be riding on tonight – do I think we'll get some sparks flying?

Anticipation Level: Very High. To a degree, this is one of those “anticipation equals dread” episodes, like last season's “The More You Ignore Me”. The whole key to tonight is how much Claire (over)reacts to finding out that Alex and Ben are girlfriend/boyfriend. I'm concerned that either 1) Claire fires Ben, and he lashes out by dumping Alex, and/or 2) Claire punishes Alex for this (even though Alex is now an adult), maybe by trying to force Alex to quit school (possibly even her job, if she's still doing that?), or at least to move back home. I think the most extreme scenarios of #2 aren't likely, but I do expect some sort of blowup from Claire.

And who knows how Phil will react?  If he's really so hung up on age differences that even seven years is too much, maybe he joins in the party too.  Or maybe just seeing Alex with another man in a bedroom brings out his paternal instincts (just ask Reuben about that).

But having said all that I am looking forward to tonight in a good way, too – as I said earlier, for all we know tonight could be our last Alex story. And with a lengthy break coming up after next week we're sort of in “take what we can get” range anyway.
And even if things go badly for Alex, this season is long overdue for an emotional Alex moment.  Whether or not we get that is another story:
Emotional Moment Potential: Medium to High. One thing tempers my expectations for emotion – most of those eggs figure to go into Haley and Rainer's story basket (Rainer pops the question tonight – I'm one of those who actually hopes Haley says no, and not necessarily gently).

Will that leave anything for Alex? Well, fortunately the other two stories look like they will be played for laughs, so there is room for at least some seriousness in Alex's story, which would pretty much be required for any real fireworks. I will be disappointed if it is played mostly/all for laughs, but OTOH at least that way Alex's life won't likely be turned upside down. I think it could go either way.

Game Changing Potential: Very High. Even before this episode has aired it has already proven to be at least somewhat game changing – we know Alex is back on her academic track. But there certainly is more potential for her life to change even further because of these five minutes, even if that change is a total 180 degree turn (she loses Ben and/or her life aspirations). Or maybe Ben makes a more serious commitment to Alex.

Are There Any Other Questions? Two proposals in one night? OK, probably not that serious a commitment, but who knows?

Hold on to your hats – I think it's going to be an interesting ride tonight, one way or the other.
1 I re-read the press release for “Frank's Wedding”, and noticed the theme for the wedding is “Roaring Twenties”. So I'm guessing Alex will be probably be wearing a flapper costume, or possibly a long 1920's style dress. My earlier comment of dreading that stands (I'm not sure flapper and glasses go well together).

2 Which, of course, assumes that Alex will even be there – it seems highly unlikely she'd miss a big family event (although, of course, it just happened two weeks ago), but, until I see evidence that she is there, she could conceivably skip out on the wedding to stay at her dorm to focus on studying.

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