Wednesday, March 8, 2017

“Ooooh, It Seems I Don't Get Time Out Anymore”

Sorry, but this one's going to be another quickie – that cold I started with last week has escalated into pneumonia this week – not severe enough to leave me in a hospital room (though I did go the ER over the weekend) but still the coughing fits are wreaking havoc with my sleep so I'm pretty much in “let's get this over with” mode.

That, and this week's “Basketball” wasn't exactly motivating me to do much:

Anticipation Level: Low. The good news is that one of the doctors from “Under Pressure” makes their return tonight. Unfortunately, it's not Dr. Clark, Alex's therapist. Although, truth be told, given it's been more than three years now, if he does return it probably wouldn't involve Alex anyway (she's about past the age level of his expertise).

And I'm not even going to bother to ask for a third straight hidden Alex story.

Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low.

Are There Any Other Questions? Which is more spirited – a game of dodge...ball or a game of basketball?

I'm not sure when I'll get around to the recap tonight – if I feel like I can fall asleep when the normal time comes (or before) I'm taking the opportunity.

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