Wednesday, March 1, 2017

“That's How The Lost Get Found”

Another quickie pre-show post, for two reasons: 1) “Finding Fizbo” doesn't look all that exciting from Alex's standpoint, and 2) I'm sick as a (therapy?) dog right now.

And as a reminder, tonight's episode airs a half hour earlier than usual. Whether I'm awake or in a Nyquil-induced coma at 8:30 remains to be seen.

Anticipation Level: Low.
Emotional Moment Potential: Low.

The only wild card I see is that Ben is again appearing in tonight's episode, but I doubt we're going to see anything new about Alex and him (if they are even still even slightly a thing, anyway).  And the chance of back-to-back surprise Alex stories is very slim.

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: Low to Medium. I've not seen a commercial for this episode so I have very little clue about this. I feel about the same about the chances as I did two weeks ago, and we know what happened there. In other words, I'm not expecting it to happen, but...

Are There Any Other Questions? Get back to me after Friday, the final day of filming for Season 8. If there's word of a lot of emotion on the set we might have some idea whether or not it's the final day of filming, period. Like I said earlier, I'm not feeling good right now so I'm really not in the mood to speculate.

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