Friday, June 30, 2017

"That Summer Day That I Recall"

No, this isn't that post I hinted at a couple of weeks ago - I'm still trying to get motivated to do that one.

Actually, I'm writing because I woke up wondering what Alex might be up to this summer.  Not that we're likely to find out when things start up again this fall.

One thing she apparently won't be doing - there are no formal summer classes at CalTech, at least according to their academic calendar.  There is something called a "summer term", but no formal classes.  So I guess Alex won't get a chance to catch up from missing the fall semester.

I guess she's either doing one or more of the following: 1) working at the coffee shop (did she keep that job when she got "promoted"?), 2) working another summer at Jay's closet company (which could get pretty awkward with her dating Ben) or 3) taking a business course or two somewhere (like she planned on doing in her fall down time last year).

And no, I don't think there's a fourth option of just doing nothing - this is Alex we're talking about, after all.  She's a heck of a lot more motivated than I am.

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