Friday, September 29, 2017

"Joy(?) To The Fishes In The Deep Blue Sea" (First Impressions - "Catch Of The Day" - Season 9, Episode 3)

As you can probably guess by the question mark I placed in the lyric snippet, there really isn't much joy to be found in this upcoming episode's press release.

Alex isn't mentioned at all, and potentially even more ominously, neither are any of the other kids.  It's unlikely this means an adult only episode, but I'd bet that at least one of  the kids goes missing.  And, since I feel Alex seems the most likely of the kids to miss any given episode (and the most likely to miss the most), I'm already wondering if the first Alex-less episode of the season will come one week earlier than I thought.

OK, yes I'm probably way overthinking this (especially since there are no promo photos yet AFAIK, which could easily render this moot).

Two other quick items:

Episode 4's title is "Sex, Lies and Kickball".   I think we can safely eliminate one of those as a potential theme for an Alex story...

Ariel did indeed start her classes at UCLA yesterday, but apparently all was not well:

Ugh - I hope things go better for her for the rest of her (hopefully) four years there.  I know she's famous and to a degree the paparazzi are an occupational hazard (and sometimes worse), but can't they at least give her some space while she's trying to better herself?

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