Thursday, October 5, 2017

"It's Not What Good Girls Do" (First Impressions - "Sex, Lies & Kickball" - Season 9, Episode 4)

Remember I said that we could safely exclude one of the items from this title as a possible Alex story?  Well, guess what - one does get eliminated, and another is unlikely.

The third one (or more accurately, the first one), on the other hand?  Um, I think I'll let this line from the press release speak for itself:

"Meanwhile, Alex is ready to shed her good-girl image and is going to prove to Claire that her relationship with Ben is definitely a sexual relationship..." 

Wow! Talk about your double-edged swords!  Yes, this is now going to be a very interesting episode for Alex.  But it may turn out to be too interesting.  Right off the top of my head I can picture several scenarios where this story can go really bad for her, and it's possible that there could be more than one (e.g. she could have a major falling out with Claire, and she could lose Ben at the same time).

And who knows how any of us will feel about Alex after this one is through?  I'm hoping Alex doesn't change her image too much, but...

On the bright side, at least they got Ben off the island in that lake...

I'd say I should stock up on Kleenex for this one, but I still have plenty from dealing with this cold (which is still bugging me BTW - my medication count for dealing with the cough is up to eight).

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